Market Week 5
Visit us at the market today! Your favorite full time vendors will be back with the best of their produce and goods.
Musical Guests: 4-6 PM

Market Week 4
Exciting full market today!
We have some new vendors and community groups joining us today for the first time of the season:
Special Workshop today:
Today’s Vendors:
Community groups:
Musical Guests: 4-6 PM
Today’s Market is generously sponsored by
We accept SNAP/HIP, WIC & Sr. Coupons

Market Week 2
Strawberries are ripe!! Visit us at the market today for even more vendors than last week.
Live Music 4 - 6 PM
We accept SNAP, HIP, WIC and Sr. Coupons!

Opening Day 2024!
We’ve missed you so!
Join us for the first market of our 16th season!
Fresh spring veggies, flowers, meats, seafood, greens, honey, fresh juices, flowers, mushrooms, yummy treats, beef jerky, handmade soaps, and great community.
Bring your own picnic or buy hot empanadas or a sweet treat.
All are welcome! We accept SNAP & HIP.
Stop by the market tent for help or more information.
Live music from 4 - 6 PM

Market Week 5
Visit us at the market today rain or shine! Your favorite full time vendors will be back with the best of their produce and goods.
Cape Ann Fresh Catch, Lindon Garlic Farm, Big Rich’s Hot Sauce, La Frontera Sabrosa, Cloutman Farm, Farmer Dave’s, Living Soil, Eufloria, Soul Gardens, Valicenti Pasta Farm, Chickadee Hill Farm, Three Gingers Kitchen, Moonlight Farm, Joi-G-Nutrition, Salem Bee
Handmade goods: Nay’s Trays, Good Minds Soap Co., Washington Beach Designs, Starry Skies Design, and George’s Leatherworks
Community groups: Green Beverly, Beverly Bike Committee
Musical Guests: Patrice Monahan Jazz
Today’s Market is generously sponsored by: The Beverly Cultural Council

No Market This Week
Happy Fourth of July!
We’ll be back next week - July 10th with more great community and fresh local goods!

Market Week 4
Exciting full market today!
We have some new vendors and community groups joining us today for the first time of the season: Backyard gardener from Beverly Joi G Nutrition joins us bringing lavender products and herbs. Also joining us are AC Metalworks.
Special Workshop today:
Putting Together a Simple Herbal Tea
Presented by Ania Gruca and Iris Weaver of Soul Gardens, every 15 minutes starting at 4 PM
Today’s Vendors:
Cape Ann Fresh Catch, Lindon Garlic Farm, La Frontera Sabrosa, Cloutman Farm, Farmer Dave’s, Nay’s Trays, Living Soil, Eufloria, Valicenti Pasta Farm, Chickadee Hill Farm, Three Gingers Kitchen, Moonlight Farm, Good Minds Soap Co., Joi-G Nutrition, AC Metalworks, Starry Skies Design and George’s Leatherworks
Community groups: Green Beverly, Beverly Bike Committee, Salem Sound Coastwatch, Heathmere Cultural Engagement
Musical Guests: Tactical Bouzouki, 4-6 PM
Today’s Market is generously sponsored by
The Beverly Cultural Council and the SalemFive Bank Charitable Fund
We accept SNAP/HIP, WIC & Sr. Coupons

Market Week 3
Honor and enjoy Juneteenth with a visit to the farmers’ market! Bring a picnic or buy hot food from La Frontera Sabrosa. The veggies are starting to come in fast now - greens, radishes, cucumbers, first squashes and greenhouse tomatoes. Find wintered apples and strawberries too!
Vendors starting this week: Fern x Flow, Salem Bee & Starry Skies.
So much to enjoy with this week’s vendors -
Cape Ann Fresh Catch, Lindon Garlic Farm, La Frontera Sabrosa, Cloutman Farm, Farmer Dave’s, Nay’s Trays, Living Soil, Eufloria, Chickadee Hill Farm, Three Gingers Kitchen, Moonlight Farm, Good Minds Soap Co., and George’s Leatherworks
Community groups: Green Beverly, Beverly Bike Committee
Musical Guests: The Wangari Fahari Trio, 4-6 PM
Today’s Market is generously sponsored by:
The Beverly Cultural Council and SalemFive Bank Charitable Foundation

Market Week 2
Strawberries are ripe!! Visit us at the market today for even more vendors than last week. Some vendors like Valicenti Pasta and Soul Gardens start today and will be with us every other week. Others like Washington Beach Designs will only be at the market for three dates (6/12, 7/10 & 8/14). Your favorite full time vendors will be back with the best of their produce and goods.
Cape Ann Fresh Catch, Lindon Garlic Farm, La Frontera Sabrosa, Cloutman Farm, Farmer Dave’s, Nay’s Trays, Living Soil, Eufloria, Chickadee Hill Farm, Three Gingers Kitchen, Moonlight Farm, Good Minds Soap Co., and George’s Leatherworks
Community groups: Green Beverly, Beverly Bike Committee
Musical Guests: Bob and Jen Strom
Remember we accept SNAP, HIP, WIC and Sr. Coupons!
Today’s Market is generously sponsored by: SalemFive Bank Charitable Foundation

Opening Day 2023!
We’ve missed you so!
Join us for the first market of our 15th season!
Fresh spring veggies, flowers, meats, seafood, greens, honey, fresh juices, flowers, mushrooms, yummy treats, beef jerky, handmade soaps, and great community.
Henna body art with Hennatoo
Bring your own picnic or buy hot empanadas or a sweet treat.
All are welcome! We accept SNAP & HIP.
Stop by the market tent for help or more information.
(Valicenti Pasta and Lindon Garlic Farm start next week, June 12)

Week 7
Today’s market has been canceled due to the prediction of high winds, heavy thunderstorms, and heavy rain. Our market is “rain or shine” but not dangerous. Farmer Dave and Moonlight Farm will still be available for their CSA pickup.
We’ll be back next week with the best in local food and goods, live music and great community!

Opening Day!
It’s market season! All are welcome to join us for opening day of the Beverly Farmers’ Market. We’ll have the best in local, seasonal produce, meats, eggs, seafood, flowers, micro-greens, handmade goods, ice cream, mushrooms, pasta, cookies, baked goods, beef jerky, plants, herbs, and more! Enjoy empanadas and the breezy park while listening to live music and enjoying the community.
4 - 6 PM musical guests the Rum Runners
Free! Plant swap and seed share!
3 - 5 PM Drop off a plant or seeds to swap and chat with Beverly Main Streets Staff
5:30 - 7 PM Bring a plant you would like to pass along and grab a new one from someone else. Pick up some seed packets to start your summer garden
This little plant party is brought to you by our Garden City Subcommittee, an extension of Beverly Main Streets' Design Committee. See more about the free plant swap here.
We accept HIP, SNAP, WIC & Sr. Farmers’ Market Coupons
photo credit: Gail Estes Photography

Week 4
Today’s market kicks our market community into high gear! We have over 25 vendors joining us today. Shop for all of your favorite seasonal vegetables and fruits…raspberries are now ripe! Shop for amazing farm raised poultry, beef, pork, and eggs and line caught, day boat seafood. We have special sauces and herbs, potted plants for your garden and patio. We have breads, sweets, honey, handmade goods and more!
Many thanks to our sponsors today Home Works Energy and Scribe America. Stop by and learn more about these businesses that know where to find the curious and friendly people in our community!
Enjoy music by Joe Wilkins from 4 - 6 pm
We accept SNAP, EBT, HIP, WIC/Sr. Coupons, Cash, & Credit. You can use your EBT card at the market directly at Farmer Dave’s and Moonlight Farm. Or you can swipe your EBT card at the market info tent to get market money to buy food from other vendors. Stop by the market information tent with any questions about these programs.
Hand washing stations and sanitizer available on site. Please help us keep a safe space for our vendors and volunteers at the market by wearing a mask while shopping if you are not vaccinated.
Andover Bees, Baked by Mommy, Beet Your Best, Button Up, Chickadee Hill Farm, Cloutman Farms, Copper Dog Books, Crepe du Jour, Far From the Tree Cider, Farmer Dave's, Grace Gardens, Green Beverly, Homemade Help, Lahlo, Lindon Garlic Farm, Living Soil, Moonlight Farm, Northern Flora, Odin’s Garden, Rocky Neck Fish, Roseadela’s, Saturn’s Garden, Soul Gardens, Source Bakery, Steve’s Original Sauces, Three Gingers Kitchen, When Pigs Fly Bakery, & Unique Leaf
photo credit: Gail Estes Photography

Summer Solstice! week 3
Celebrate Summer with us! You can shop for fresh fruits (strawberries!), veggies, meats, eggs, mushrooms, honey, sauces, and SO much more. After you shop, get a snack (nutrition bar, beef jerky, sweets, hot crepes, & more) and relax to enjoy live music and this beautiful community.
Enjoy music by the Lindsay Garfield from 4 - 6 pm
We accept SNAP, EBT, HIP, WIC/Sr. Coupons, Cash, & Credit. Please note - our SNAP machine is not processing this week. You can use your EBT card at the market directly at Farmer Dave’s and Moonlight Farm. Stop by the market information tent with any questions about these programs.
Hand washing stations and sanitizer available on site. Please help us keep a safe space for our vendors and volunteers at the market by wearing a mask while shopping if you are not vaccinated.
Al’s Hives and Honey, Beet Your Best, Beverly Bike Committee, Chickadee Hill Farm, Cloutman Farms, Copper Dog Books, Craic Sauce, Crepe du Jour, Eufloria, Far From the Tree Cider, Farmer Dave's, Full Circle Earth, Green Beverly, Lindon Garlic Farm, Living Soil, Mighty Little Farm, Moonlight Farm, Rocket Fuel Pesto, Rocky Neck Fish, Saturn’s Garden, Source Bakery, Starry Skies Design, Three Gingers Kitchen, True Vine Farm, When Pigs Fly Bakery, & Valecenti Pasta Farm
photo credit: Gail Estes Photography

Opening Day 2021!
We are so excited to be back this year in full swing with more vendors than ever before! Many of our new vendors are North Shore residents diving into their entrepreneurial dreams and gardening passions. We are honored to create space for them to test their products and to meet you. Live music and picnicking are back this year; we’ll have different prepared food vendors and live music each week.
Enjoy music by the Fried Pipers from 4 - 6 pm
We accept SNAP, EBT, HIP, WIC/Sr. Coupons, Cash, & Credit. Stop by the market information tent with any questions about these programs.
Hand washing stations and sanitizer available on site. Please help us keep a safe space for our vendors and volunteers at the market by wearing a mask while shopping.
Opening Day Vendors:
Al’s Hives and Honey, Aquakitten Garden, Backbeat Brewing Co., Beet Your Best, Chickadee Hill Farm, Cloutman Farms, Copper Dog Books, Craic Sauce, Eufloria, Everything Alpaca, Far From the Tree Cider, Farmer Dave's, Grace Gardens, Green Beverly, Lindon Garlic Farm, Living Soil, Love Green Station, Mighty Little Farm, Moonlight Farm, Rocket Fuel Pesto, Rocky Neck Fish, Saturn’s Garden, Source Bakery, Starry Skies Design, Three Gingers Kitchen, True Vine Farm, When Pigs Fly Bakery, & Valecenti Pasta Farm
photo credit: Gail Estes Photography

Vendor Applications Available
All are welcome to apply!
Vendor applications for the 2021 season arrive on February 1st! We can’t wait to read your application and answer your questions. We especially look forward to learning more about the delicious, local food that you use in your product or that you are growing right here in Massachusetts. Apply for free until March 1st. After that only a $15 fee to apply. Deadline to apply is April 1st. More information on our Become a Vendor page.